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Sleep apnea has many causes. Sleep apnea is the result of irregular breathing patterns that take place while you sleep. Although sleep apnea is a fairly common sleeping disorder, it can still be very serious and potentially deadly. Sleep apnea is often linked to high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.

Sleep apnea is most commonly seen in males over the age of 40. Genetics can also play a large role in your risk for sleep apnea. A deviated septum, an enlarged tongue, oversized tonsils, a nasal blockage, sinus or allergy problem, and a small jaw in relation to your mouth size are all common risk factors for sleep apnea.

Typically, sleep apnea occurs in one of two forms, obstructive sleep apnea or central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is the result of a blockage or narrowing of your airways while sleeping. Central sleep apnea is a little more complex and harder to spot. Central sleep apnea is the result of brain signals sent to your muscles in your chest responsible for breathing correctly while asleep not being received. When these signals fail to reach their target, breathing patterns are disrupted.

If you would like to speak with Dr. Lonnie Anderson and our team about sleep apnea, please schedule an appointment at our dentist office of Lonnie A. Anderson, DDS in Juneau, Alaska, by calling 907-789-2066. We will do our best to help you in any way we can.